2.4.6 Indemnification
Formerly Known As Policy Number: 15.7
This policy covers indemnification of employees.
This policy applies to all faculty and staff of the University.
1. Indemnification Policy
Stanford's policy is to indemnify and defend its faculty and staff in compliance with California Labor Code Section 2802 or (in the University’s discretion) when indemnification and defense is appropriate in defense of academic freedom or other important values of the University.
If there is a request from a faculty or staff member for defense and indemnity in connection with their duties at Stanford, it should be directed initially to the Office of the General Counsel to look into the request. If the OGC has concerns about approving the request, it should refer the matter to the Provost, who may (though is not required to) seek advice from whomever the Provost desires, including individuals or an existing faculty body; the Provost shall make the final decision.
2. Sources For More Information
Any questions regarding indemnification should be referred to either the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) or the Office of Risk Management. See also the Office of the General Counsel website.