7. Health and Safety
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This chapter covers health and safety policies pertaining to services, training, communication, and performance standards and discipline; and to medical examinations, workplace hazards, emergency/accident procedures, and incident reporting.
This policy identifies the main offices, departments, and groups that provide various health and safety services at Stanford.
This policy outlines Stanford's emergency procedures, including those for injuries and accidents, fires, earthquakes, and hazardous materials releases and spills.
This policy details the duties of supervisors mandated by California Senate Bill 198, the Occupational Injury and Illness Prevention Act.
This policy details the responsibilities for health and safety training and communication that apply to all supervisors (faculty and staff), and to all workplaces, including laboratories, classrooms, shops, and offices.
This policy of outlines key areas of responsibility for managers and supervisors related to the establishment and maintenance of good health and safety practices, such as clearly communicating expectations to employees.
This policy details the requirements and forms needed to fulfill federal and state requirements concerning accidents, incidents, or exposures to employees in the workplace.
This policy provides an overview of Stanford's medical evaluation procedures.
This policy provides a listing of the reference materials and phone numbers departments can call for specific health and safety questions.