Frequently Asked Questions
Getting updates
Q. How can I receive an update when there is a policy change?
A. Subscribe to the guide-update mailing list in Mailman (login required). This email list is used to notify subscribers whenever a policy has been added, updated, or deleted from the Administrative Guide. All members of the community are able to subscribe.
Printing, Sharing
Q. How does printing work?
A. When you’re on an Administrative Guide Memo page, you have two ways to print:
- Select File>Print from your browser’s toolbar, or
- Click the printer icon at top right
Q. How do I save a Guide Memo to be a Word document?
A. Click the printer icon. When the printer pop-up window appears, click Cancel. Then, copy the entire document and paste it into a blank Word document.
Mobile Devices
Q. Will the site work when I use my tablet or smartphone?
A. Yes, the website pages are mobile-aware and will scale to the correct size based on the mobile device you’re using. The primary difference is that menus have a vertical alignment.
Interpretation of Administrative Guide Memos
Q. If I have a question about a Guide Memo, how do I know whom to contact?
A. Each Guide Memo has the “Authority” identified by title. Use the President’s or Provost’s organization chart in Chapter 9, or search on the Stanford website, to find the correct person. Also, most administrative offices have a HelpSU category, so you can submit a question in that way as well. The Administrative Guide editor is not able to counsel/interpret policies; only the authority or their designee can provide guidance.