5. Purchasing and Payments
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Purchasing policies in this chapter cover:
- Financing of purchases
- Requisition processing, including blanket purchase orders, equipment and real estate leases, purchasing and travel cards, and equipment loans to Stanford
- Unique transactions, such as membership dues
These policies address general policies for the purchase of major and minor construction, equipment, supplies, and services by Stanford, and describe how the Procurement Department is organized to achieve its mission.
These policies describe how schools/depts. may finance capital projects, programs, or equip. purchases; equip. leases; capital and operating lease liabilities; equip. loans; sale of surplus university property; and off-campus real estate leases.
These policies include an overview of the procurement process; Blanket Purchase Orders; the use of Purchasing Cards (PCard); purchasing books, periodicals, or memberships; payments to vendors; and payments to nonemployees.
These policies provide guidelines for expense advances; business and travel expenses; the use of Travel Cards (TCard); and petty cash funds.
This policy reflects the commitment to increase opportunities for minorities, women, and disabled people, and businesses owned by them, to participate in economic opportunities arising from university business activities.