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8.1.1 Telecommunication Services

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Formerly Known As Policy Number: 81.1

This Guide Memo describes policies and responsibilities for the University's telecommunication systems. They apply only to relations among University departments and are inapplicable to transactions with outside communications suppliers and other entities and persons outside the University. The services described are available to all University and Hospital buildings on the campus, but exclude SLAC.

1. Administrative Responsibilities

a. Communication Services

Information Technology Services/Shared Services has responsibility for the design, operation, and maintenance of telecommunication services for all Stanford University and Hospital facilities.

(1) Telephone System

Shared Services operates the University-owned telephone system, providing service from the user's telephone jack (also called a telecommunication service outlet) up to the public network. Telephone services from any source, including SBC, are provided through the facilities of Shared Services.

(2) Network Systems

Shared Services operates the University backbone network, providing access to the University network (SUNET) and off-campus network services. Shared Services may also provide facilities and installation for local departmental networks through the Net-to-Jack program.

(3) Scope of Service

The University telephone system and network operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing continuous service for the campus. Shared Services maintains these systems at the highest level of private branch exchange (PBX) service continuity. Departments that require total uninterrupted telephone or data communication services are responsible for working with Shared Services to plan, install, and maintain separate emergency backup services.

(4) Consulting

Shared Services provides consulting service to advise departments about the best use of telecommunication services and on-campus facilities, and to assist departments in ordering new services, changes to current configurations, or moves of existing service.

b. Departmental Responsibilities

Deans, department heads, project directors, and other administrative officers are responsible for managing telephone expenditures (see Guide Memo 3.2.1: Authorizing Expenditures. Each department should appoint a responsible individual to act as a liaison with Shared Services. This person is the department's contact.

(1) Contact Responsibilities

The contact is responsible for:

  • Reviewing the monthly ITSS statement to validate all charges made to the department's accounts. Copies of the ITSS statement are sent online to the contact and may be reviewed online using the IT Services web site.
  • Ordering new service or any service changes for the department. The contact should have signature authority for committing telecommunication expenditures for the department.

(2) Support for Contact

Shared Services maintains departmental assigned contacts online. These individuals receive regular information mailings from Shared Services and notification of potential outages affecting service to their department. Regular training is provided for individuals newly appointed to be the contact for their department. For information on contact training, or to notify Shared Services of a change in the named contact, call Shared Services at 5-HELP.

2. Facilities and Equipment

a. System Equipment

The telephone and network and associated peripheral equipment are maintained by Shared Services. All maintenance on the telephone line or switched data line is performed by Shared Services up to the end user's jack. Installation of new telephone or switched data lines as well as repairs or extensions to current lines may be performed only by Shared Services authorized personnel.

b. Departmental Equipment Ownership

The end users' telecommunications equipment from the jack out is the responsibility of end users and their departments. This equipment includes line cords, telephone sets, modems, or other telecommunication terminals. This equipment is selected and owned by the end user's department. Shared Services recommends a number of telephones and other telecommunication terminals that work well in the University and Hospital environments. Uniformity in telephone equipment is desirable to provide the end user with ease of use from one telephone to another, quick access to services and easy training in equipment usage.

c. Departmental Equipment Maintenance

Shared Services provides:

  • Installation service for telephone sets
  • End user training for the sets it recommends
  • Maintenance for its supported telephone sets (on a cost recovery basis)

Departments may make arrangements to purchase telephone sets from Shared Services, or may purchase any compatible equipment from other sources. Each department is responsible for securing its own set maintenance, whether from Shared Services for its supported telephone sets, or from other sources.

d. Conduit and Cable Facilities

The conduit and cable system for all telecommunications on the campus is managed by Shared Services. Shared Services maintains records of all telephone and other telecommunication services on the campus, including outside cable and conduit as well as in-building wiring up to the individual jack. Requests for the use of any of these facilities must be made through Shared Services and associated costs for installation, service activation, and continuing use paid by the requesting department.

e. Building Wiring Facilities

The University has adopted a standard for communications wiring to support current and future communication requirements within its buildings. (Refer to Facilities Design Guide Division 17–Communication Services.  All new and remodeled structures must use this standard as a minimum. Shared Services reviews all plans for communication wiring and must approve installation of wire (or other communication media) up to the jack. Departments may choose to install their own communication facilities within buildings, but such installation is incremental to the standard inside wiring managed by Shared Services. No department may use the University's inside wire plant without the consent of Shared Services, and payment of appropriate fees for maintaining records of this use, and for any installation or activation charges.

3. Privacy and Usage Policies

a. Intended Telephone Usage

Business telephone facilities are provided for conducting the official business of the University. The system is designed for this purpose. All costs are charged to the department authorizing usage.

b. Personal Telephone Usage

Each department or organization should set guidelines as to personal telephone calls. The department must be reimbursed for the cost of all personal toll calls and long distance calls on the University's business telephone lines. Public telephones are generally available for personal calls.

c. Information About Phone Usage

Any department may, through its appointed contact, request information about billable calls placed on its telephone lines. Information about these calls, including call destination, telephone line used, call duration, and authorization code used, is supplied only to the contact or to the department head. When a department suspects abuse of its telephone lines or authorization codes, it may request that information about such usage be supplied to appropriate Stanford disciplinary and review bodies and persons.

d. Call Tracing

If a department receives threatening or abusive telephone calls, the contact for that department may request that Shared Services trace the source of incoming calls. Such a trace can provide information about calls placed from other campus telephones. Any trace is reported to the Stanford Public Safety Department and the information from a trace is provided only to the Public Safety Department. To request a trace of calls placed from off-campus requires a court order delivered to SBC, which must be arranged through the Stanford Public Safety Department.

e. Monitoring Call Activity

If patterns of telephone usage on any line indicate the possibility of system abuse (such as multiple attempts to discover an active authorization code), Shared Services monitors and reports on the activity of that line, including call destination, in an attempt to discover the individual making such calls.

f. Recording Conversations

Shared Services does not place a recording on any telephone line conversation, unless under court order. Any department that wishes to record telephone conversations must follow California State law relating to recording conversations.

4. Financial Responsibility

a. Departmental Phone Lines

The ordering department is responsible for all charges associated with the telephone line, including:

  • Activation costs for the line
  • Monthly service charges for the line and its associated features
  • Maintenance of any equipment attached at the jack
  • Charges for any user-caused damage to the jack or line or telephone system (such might be caused by faulty equipment or other electronic equipment connected to the jack)
  • Incoming collect calls accepted at the telephone set
  • Local area calling charges, if applicable to the line
  • Charges for calls placed from the line and not validly charged to either a departmental or a residential authorization code. Any billable call placed using an authorization code for which the owner of the authorization code disputes the validity of the charges becomes the liability first of the account that ordered the authorization code, and second of the account paying the charges for the line from which the call was placed. Where line activity cannot be controlled, departments should select calling ability on the sets that will disallow billable calls.

b. Departmental Authorization Codes

Authorization codes are randomly assigned numbers issued to individuals through their departments in order for departments to authorize long distance calls as well as track charges for billable calls. The department is liable for all charges for any calls placed using that code. The individual to whom the authorization code is issued is responsible for the confidentiality of that code and should not share the code with any other person, nor use the code to place unauthorized calls.

c. Departmental Calling Cards

Calling cards from long-distance carriers are issued to individuals through their departments for placing calls when off the campus and charging them directly to the University. Calling cards are available from Shared Services, with all charges incurred from their usage billed to the requesting department on the monthly ITSS statement.

The requesting department is liable for all charges for any calls placed using that calling card. The individual to whom the calling card is issued is responsible for the security of the card.

d. Departmental Data Lines

The ordering department is responsible for all charges associated with the data line, including:

  • Activation costs for the line
  • Monthly service charges for switched data lines
  • Monthly maintenance charges for point-to-point circuits; or the department may elect to maintain these circuits itself
  • Responsible care for any line driver equipment connected to the circuit that is provided to the department by Shared Services

5. Ordering and Billing Procedures

a. Telephone or Data lines

(1) Communication Services Order Form

Contacts may order new telephone or data lines, or changes to existing lines on the online Communication Service Order (CSO) form or using the IT Services web site.

(2) Consultation on Orders

Shared Services provides consulting assistance in ordering new or changed service. Basic consulting is available 9:00 a.m.–noon and 1:00 p.m. –4:00 p.m. on workdays by calling 5-HELP. For large project moves, a communication system analyst is assigned to work with the contact to order service.

(3) Order Queries

For update status on submitted CSOs, contact the Communication Services Order Processing Center at 5-HELP.

b. Authorization Codes and Calling Cards

Contacts may request authorization codes and calling cards for individuals in the department. Contacts must request cancellation of codes and calling cards if the individual leaves the department.

Requests for new codes or cards, cancellations, or account number changes for codes and cards should be made via the online CSO. For further assistance, call 5-HELP.

c. Billing

All ITSS charges to departments appear on a monthly online statement. Contacts should review monthly ITSS statements to ensure that authorization codes are being used for approved calls and that all other charges are correct. Questions about items that appear on an ITSS statement should be directed to the Shared Services Account Center at 5-HELP. Resolution of billing disputes requires submission of an online HelpSU request no more than 21 days after the statement is available online.

d. Payment Policy

Statement balances for students, on-site vendors, Stanford West, and General Accounts Receivable collections are due upon receipt; payments must be received by the 19th of the month in order to be reflected on the next month's statement. Non-payment of balances is treated as any other University debt and could result in:

  • Loss of service: Stanford can and will disconnect service when payment is more than 60 days late. Any past-due charges and fees must be paid in full before ITSS will reactive service; additional reactivation charges will also apply.

  • Hold placement: Stanford can and will withhold student registration privileges, diplomas, and transcripts for overdue accounts.

  • Collection actions: Stanford can and will initiate collection actions when payment is more than 60 days late for all except active students. This can adversely affect credit rating.

  • Active students' unpaid balances will be assigned to a collection agency within 60 days after the student has left the University.

  • Resolutions of billing disputes require submission of an online HelpSU request no more than 21 days after the statement with the disputed charges was mailed.