1.5.5 Ownership of Documents

This Guide Memo was approved by the President.
Last Updated

Formerly Known As Policy Number: 15.6

Documents produced, received or filed in connection with Stanford's business activities are the property of the University.

Applicability: This policy applies to all Stanford business documents.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to reiterate the University's ownership of business documents.

1. Document Ownership Policy

Documents produced, received or filed in connection with Stanford's business activities may be considered the property of the University. For purposes of this policy, the word "document" includes any memorialization of a communication, whether by paper, film, video, audio, electronic or other media. Also for purposes of this policy, the term "business activities" includes administration of a department, school, laboratory, office or other entity of the University (for example, a safety inspection conducted by a member of a dormitory staff would be a "business activity").

2. Further Information

Questions regarding application and implementation of this policy may be directed to the Legal Office.

3. Related Policies

The following policies are available online:

Source URL: https://adminguide.stanford.edu/chapters/guiding-policies-and-principles/conflict-interest/ownership-documents