11.2.1 Global Staff Personnel Policies
These policies describe the development of, administration of, and decisions about policies affecting personnel of Stanford University, a university entity and/or its affiliates, whose primarily work location is outside of the United States.
1. Purpose
Global staffing policies and procedures are intended for supervisors and administrators with current or anticipated ongoing operations outside of the US.
2. Policy Authority
a. Policy Development
Global personnel policies are approved and authorized by the Vice President of Human Resources (VP of HR), in consultation with other University officials.
b. Policy Revisions
Send proposals for policy changes to the VP of HR for study and recommendation. Approved changes are published in the Administrative Guide and may be communicated in the Stanford Report or by written notice to officers and administrators. Changes in policies for global benefits plans are reflected on the University Human Resources website for Global Staff Employees, and brochures of the individual plans.
c. Policy Interpretation
Questions regarding policy interpretation should be brought to the attention of the Human Resources Manager responsible for the employee’s unit and/or Global HR Programs.
d. Alleged Policy Violations
Suspected policy violation information should be brought to the attention of management, Human Resources Manager responsible for the unit and/or Global HR Programs.
3. Administration of Global Staff Personnel Policies
University officers and administrators, both academic and nonacademic, are responsible for the administration of University policies and procedures including those applicable to staff supporting Stanford global operations.
4. Exceptions to Global Personnel Policies
In the event an exception to established policy appears to be necessary, the unique facts of the situation should be discussed in advance with an appropriate representative from Human Resources, usually the Global HR Programs Manager. When necessary, cognizant Vice Presidents, Vice Provosts or University officers will be included in the decision-making of proposed exceptions. Exceptions to personnel policies must be approved by the VP of HR, or their designee.